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Mod Installation For Counter Strike Source List


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I have started this thread to start a CSS Mod Installation list. Hopefully this will start creating a nice list of mods for css already config for tcadmin with descriptions, version ,etc. Already there have been some nice list of TAdmin Game Configuration Files.

I know its not hard to create automatic mod installation for css but with so many new mods coming out all the time. It would be handy to have a list. :)


I am uploading some CSS mods as you read this. Here is the format and layout I will be posting them. Please try to include the same amount of info if possible.


Example of my layout for my mod posts. (You do not need to use the same layout. This is just an example)


Name: VIP Mod 1.0.H


Old school Counter-Strike players will remember a gameplay mode called "assasination mode" that randomly changed a member of the CT team into a VIP. The VIP player was only allowed the pistol he spawned with as his weapon. But, he also spawned with 200 armor. The misson in this game play style was simple: "Protect The VIP Team!". The CT's were to escort the VIP to a rescue zone to win the round. The terrorists objective was to kill the VIP. If they did, the round ended no matter how many other CT's were alive.

This game play mode, maybe more so than any other, demanded team play and co-operation. It was exciting to play and was a dream for those of you in to tactics and stategies. Unfortunately this game play mode died when Counter-Strike: Source was released. Valve Software didn't include it in the "Direct Port" of Counter-Strike to Counter-Strike: Source.

Metamod Source

Installation Steps:
1) Run this auto installer
2) Open cstrike/addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini
3) Add the following line: " addons/vip_mm/bin/vip_mm"
4) Save


Zip File Name:VIP_Mod_1.0.H.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/uploading-now/VIP_Mod_1.0.H.zip



Also, i will try and make backup of all the mods that get posted here and upload it on a mirror server. Then if your link for the file stops working in X days, etc. There will still be a copy of it. Please tell me what you think and try and posts all the mods you have got for CSS. I know people are already going to ask if there will be a list of other game servers mods, etc. My reply is that right now I am starting off with this list as there is a very large range of mods and people supporting CSS.

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Name: VIP Mod 1.0.H


Old school Counter-Strike players will remember a gameplay mode called "assasination mode" that randomly changed a member of the CT team into a VIP. The VIP player was only allowed the pistol he spawned with as his weapon. But, he also spawned with 200 armor. The misson in this game play style was simple: "Protect The VIP Team!". The CT's were to escort the VIP to a rescue zone to win the round. The terrorists objective was to kill the VIP. If they did, the round ended no matter how many other CT's were alive.

This game play mode, maybe more so than any other, demanded team play and co-operation. It was exciting to play and was a dream for those of you in to tactics and stategies. Unfortunately this game play mode died when Counter-Strike: Source was released. Valve Software didn't include it in the "Direct Port" of Counter-Strike to Counter-Strike: Source.

Metamod Source

Installation Steps:
1) Run this auto installer
2) Open cstrike/addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini
3) Add the following line: " addons/vip_mm/bin/vip_mm"
4) Save


Zip File Name:VIP_Mod_1.0.H.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?3cmxytzzyqm

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Name: Warmod 2.0.2 including requirements


WarMod is a completely free SourceMod plugin created by Twelve-60 of GotGames for the popular Half-Life 2 mod, Counter-Strike:Source. It is specifically designed to be used for competitive matches, and provides the flexibiliy to suit any form of competition, including large tournaments down to clan matches. It is written in the SourcePawn language which is built to be small and fast, enabling it to use minimal CPU usage.

Hacks Extension
Socket Extension

Zip File Name:Warmodv2.0.2.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?0gqwdzmwywu

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Name: Sourcemod 1.2.4


SourceMod is server modification for any game that runs on the Half-Life 2 engine. It is a powerful, highly optimized platform for scripting plugins and handling server administration. The default package comes with a base set of plugins, but there are over 450 plugins in the community. 

Metamod: Source

Zip File Name:sourcemod-1.2.4.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?ymjhrzrin4z

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Name: ServSecurity 0.1


ServSecurity is a powerful script to prevent server lags, hacking attemps, abuse and crashes. 

EventScripts: 2.0 or higher

Installation Steps:
1) Run this auto installer
2) Open cstrike/cfg/autoexec.cfg
3) Add the following
es_load servsecurity

Zip File Name:ServSecurity_0.1.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?ncww0ymgqdn

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Name: Rcon Lock 1.5.1


Rcon_lock is a security-based script that provides several features that help protect your server against hackers/exploiters.

EventScripts: 2.0 or higher

Installation Steps:
1) Run this auto installer
2) Open cstrike/cfg/autoexec.cfg
3) Add the following
es_load rcon_lock
4) Save
5) Edit the rcon_lock.py file and add your rcon_password in the line indicated.

Zip File Name:Rcon_Lock_1.5.1.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?mzokx3f3jkw

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Name: Miauw Mizx's Anti-Exploits 1.2


This addon currently blocks the command used when joining a server, and making the server crash. 

EventScripts: 2.0 or higher

Installation Steps:
1) Run this auto installer
2) Open cstrike/cfg/autoexec.cfg
3) Add the following
es_load mizx_exploits
4) Save

Zip File Name:Miauw_Mizxs_Anti-Exploits_1.2.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?zjyk2nmixzd

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Name: Metamod Source 1.8.0


Metamod:Source is a C++ plugin environment for Half-Life 2. It acts as a "metamod" which sits in between the Game and the Engine, and allows plugins to intercept calls that flow between. It provides a mechanism called SourceHook.

Zip File Name:metamodsource180.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?zyvwdm5wovk

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Name: Mani Admin Plugin 1.2 T


Mani Admin Plugin is an addon for Counter-Strike: Source. This addon is similar to AdminMod. Mani Admin Plugin will allow you to give certain players administrating abilities without giving them full rcon access along with many other possibilities.

Installation Steps:
1) Run this auto installer
2) Open cstrike/cfg/server.cfg
3) Add the following
exec mani_server.cfg
4) Save

Adding yourself as an admin in Mani Admin Plugin by rcon:
ma_client addclient "MyName"
ma_client addsteam "MyName" "STEAM_x:x:xxxxxxx"
ma_client setaflag "MyName" "+client"

Zip File Name:Mani_Admin_Plugin_1.2_T.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?zzh42mm5gfj

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Name: EventScripts v2.0.0.250i Public Beta 2 including ES Tools


EventScripts is a free game scripting plugin for Valve Corporation's Source engine. Aimed at first-time scripters, EventScripts has grown to be one of the most popular Source scripting engines, running on 13,000 dedicated game servers worldwide as of March 2009. Es Tools (EventScript Tools) is a server plugin developed to fill the hole left by Nemod. This plugin is not an administration plugin, since its founding its development has focused mainly on functionality and only supports modest admin capabilities.

Metamod Source

Zip File Name:ES_2.0.0.250i_and_EST.zip

Download URL: http://www.mediafire.com/?nfn1yzitxzx



I have added 9 here to start off this list. Hope people start joining in :) This can become very handy and useful.

Edited by marks
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I know that is why i said people can use any layout they want. I was doing this way to show the basic info, download link, etc. In a very clean format. Now just waiting on people to start posting theres.

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