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How can i create game folders (GMOD, TF2)


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i didnt see game folders for tf2 or gmod, and i created some


called them:


gmod (folder), TCA.Maps > TCA.Mods > TCA.Patches then zipped my gmod files went to Create a Game and Voice Server, counldnt create a gmod server but if i named the gmod zipped folder tfc(team fortress classic) it would show up.


anyway i can do this?


thank you,

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You really need to read the manual. Is this for a clan or are you starting up a business? You need to go into TCAdmin and create the game config or update the game config with the name of the folder that the files are in. That is the last help you'll get from me until you learn to read the manual and try to solve some things on your own.

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Like LPG said, we aren't your personal support servants :) This is a community forum, for community input, suggestions, help, and information regarding TCAdmin. You most definately should spend a minute using the search feature on the forums, and I almost guarantee you will find the answer to your question ALREADY answered! Why wait for us to reply when you can use just as much effort to get the answer first? :) If it isn't answered in the forums, its generally in the knowledgebase or documentation.


You can export the game configuration files from within TCAdmin, and create your own gameconfig specific to your game, and then import it. Or you can search the forums here and download prewritten configurations that the TCAdmin community has built up on these forums.


The TCA.Maps, TCA.Mods, TCA.Patches directories are NOT for gamefile installs. Your gamefiles should be in the defined 'GameFiles' path which is set in your Admin Home > System Settings > Servers > Server Details. The files will be installed into your 'UserFiles' path also defined in this same area.


You would then name the ZIP/RAR archive of your gamefiles to what is defined in the 'GameFiles Folder Name' specified in Admin Home > System Settings > Supported Games > *YOURGAMEHERE* Details.


Once your configuration is imported, files are in the correct spot, and named with the correct filenames, your installation should work. Keep in mind that within the archive your game file structure must be correct, or your default commandlines won't work properly.


You should also try getting some support from whatever host you are purchasing your hardware/panel from.



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