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gmod config


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im looking for garry's mod 11 100 tic if that exists, i only find 10, is it 10 or 11


im also trying to verify if i need gmod 10 or 11, if you do have gmod 10 could i get a link to gmod 10 100 tic config please



Edited by mattb
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Matt, you've seriously been asking for things that if your doing this as a business is laughable. You really should do some research before continually asking for things to be done for you. You and a short list of others around here are certainly wearing on me and I would suppose others. I'm only posting this as it is far over the top so far and if you actually come here after doing some good leg work on your end then I'll once again be willing to help. Seriously though, do learn somethings on your own.

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one thing, sorry


do you have gmod 100 tick script?


-console -game garrysmod +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 20 +exec server.cfg +map RP_Downtown_V2 +fps_max 200 -tickrate 66



changed to


-console -game garrysmod +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 20 +exec server.cfg +map RP_Downtown_V2 +fps_max 200 -tickrate 100


but people still say its 66 for some reason, they dont stop complaining

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Matt, you've seriously been asking for things that if your doing this as a business is laughable. You really should do some research before continually asking for things to be done for you. You and a short list of others around here are certainly wearing on me and I would suppose others. I'm only posting this as it is far over the top so far and if you actually come here after doing some good leg work on your end then I'll once again be willing to help. Seriously though, do learn somethings on your own.


Instead of you coming in here bashing everyone looking for help why don't you spend the time update the graphics and the look of your GSP website. You seem to always have something whiny to say about everything. This forums is to help people if you don't have something productive to say shut up.

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It was rather productive. He needs to do some leg work as do others since if everyone has their hands held then they won't be able to support anything down the road. Most of the questions that were recently asked by newcomers lately have the answers in the TCAdmin setup guide. Furthermore, like I stated, if it's for a business purpose then he really ought to be reading and learning to aid in his understanding like all others. Thanks for the critique of the site though and I do know it is rather not pleasant to look at, but then again you don't have to ;)

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