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HELP Please With Username + Password


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Well i got auto setup working but nothing else is working


Only thing working is the auto setup



No hostname no nothing



Here is a image of my customfeilds


Iam even using this


/* ************************** */

/* Client UserId and Password */

/* ************************** */


$billing_api_values["user_name"] = 'CustomField:Username';

$billing_api_values["user_password"] = 'CustomField:Password';










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OK forgot to mention when it creates a servers


When i create an account say my name


Joseph Wilson


It puts in


JosephW for username


then some random numbers for the password






Hostname is now working but not username or password




Another Edit



when i just use Username and Password it now sends it thru


But when ever i try it like this


Username|Gamepanel Username

Password|Gamepanel Password



It does not work It uses my first name and first inital of last name

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what ever you use in the code you can use in whmcs


i wanted Gamepanel Username so the customer would know what the usernname and pw is for so in default_values.php file instead of this




USe this


$params['customfields']['Gamepanel Username'];


$params['customfields']['Gamepanel Password'];



I have upload a copy of my default_values


working code for tickrate + FPS




Here are a few images of examples
















default_values (2).TXT

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