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Error while starting services...

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Hi Guys,




Just installed the trial version of TCAdmin no problems. However, when starting in console mode I receive an error:




<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">Quote:</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

Error while starting services: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions





I think this has something to do with the FTP port, so I will try and change it, but one other question is how to access the panel extarnally using the website it created. Example:




I called the website 'gpanel' so what do I put in my browser in order to access this from home?




Hope you can help.





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OK, I changed the FTP port and it is now working, so if anyone else gets the above error then thats all you have to do.




As for the other problem, I decided to change to a virtual directory on the default website. However, as Apache uses port 80 I have set the port for IIS to 81, and now access it like this:








which is fine for now. Will play around with host headers and CNAMES etc.. to get it right, but all is working.









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