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L4D dedicated server via TCAdmin


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I am new to all of this and have a dedicated sever. I have also downloaded from steam the files.


I have set up the tcadmin to run these files as a server.


TCAdmin says the server is running but when I connect it fails?


Initially i did not have a cfg file visable in TCAdmin. Sorted that now but it still doesn't work


Please help a useless nooobie.


Yelit! :confused:

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1# read the TCA manuals / KB articles

2# running means the application was started but if your configuration is wrong server could be not working. Click on more details to see if its actually working.


You gota create/import a config for L4D then put the game files in the correct folder (matching the folder you have set in your config) then you can create the game server assuming you have firewall disabled or manually added an exception or used an install script to add the exception.

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