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Anti Virus and Firewall


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i use comodo firewall and anti virus at home, iv done a google search and looks like they accept command line support, excuse my ignorance, but what does the command line support actualy do?


I got everything automated for game servers creation so if firewall supports command line I can sue TCA install/uninstall scripts to add exceptions.

Else I would have to manually setup the game servers and thats not an option I want to consider.

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ok, so lets say if i installed comodo firewall on the server, everytime a gameserver is installed would it ask for accses? is that what the command line is for? to grant accses to the firewall to let the service go through?

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ok, so lets say if i installed comodo firewall on the server, everytime a gameserver is installed would it ask for accses? is that what the command line is for? to grant accses to the firewall to let the service go through?


install script does that job automatically in batch, thats why if comodo has cmd line support you can get this autoamted using install script

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