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Race Sim Anti-Cheat


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We have started the Beta testing on a new Race Lobby and Cheat detection system for ARCA, rFactor, and NASCAR.


The service will be free to all during Beta Testing. After the final release the service will be free to all HostileContact.com customers. All others will have to pay a monthly fee per each server they register.


If you own a GSP that rents ARCA, rFactor, NASCAR, or Live For Speed servers and would like to setup some type of reseller program we will consider it.

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It works and will even detect Speed Gear which claims to be undetectable. This has been in development for a long time.


The open Beta should run until September and we hope to release the final version on 1 November.


Some additional features that will be added during the Beta Test


Help and FAQ support

Ventrilo Support Link

NASCAR support ETA 25 July

Track and Mod check and download

Car File Manager

Hotlaps integration


Game support added after Beta Testing

Live For Speed

Race 07



GTR Evolution

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will it be server sided only?


I dont doubt it blocks for now, problem with cheats are that hackers make new ones if you manage to block the old ones and hackers always are a step ahead as you cant predict what they are gona do for 100%. thats what I meant when saying there has never been any anticheats working.

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Any Anti-Cheat will be reactive not proactive, hard to scan for cheats that have not been created yet. What our system allows is the ability to add new cheat scans as soon as they are released.


There will always be Hackers and the best you can hope for is about a 95% solution.

No system will ever be 100%.


The goal is for our anti-cheat to become as widely used in Race Sims as Punkbuster is in FPS games.

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The client side lobby and anti-cheat will be free to all.


The server side anti cheat will be free to all HostileContact.com customers. All others will have to pay a $5 monthly fee per server.


We have not decided yet if we will allow individuals to register servers or create a reseller program and only allow GSPs to register servers.


We have a few competitors that we might restrict their customers from registering just to place a little pressure on their market share.


The goal is to offer this free of charge to our customers and charge all others in order to get them to move their accounts to HostileContact. Why pay $5 a month for something you can get for free simply by moving your account to a new GSP.


When the final version is close to release we will start an aggressive marketing campaign and offer a few additional incentives in order to get ARCA, rFActor, and NASCAR customers to move their accounts to HostileContact.

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I think I need to put him on forum posting restriction! I think sometimes his fingers type before his brain thinks.


Details are still being worked out as we are a few months away from final release. The problem with ISI based games is there's no good anti-cheat system out that GSP's can use. Relay Client can be easily bypassed and Tyca will not run from a TCAdmin config. We are working to come up with a system can be ran off of our configs without having to manually set the server up like Tyca requires.

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Well I highly doubt any GSP will then support your AC so basically you will only be able to advertise it through your own servers. AS a reuslt it may take a very long time to make it known and meanwhile new "undetected" cheats will probably be made so you better have not spent much time/money on that else its a high risk as you make almost no chance to get a ROI unless you made that on your free time and at no cost at all.

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So your here asking other GSPs to support you to take away their business? Look up Oxymoron in the dictionary...let me jump right onto that or not. Good luck with it though and that is one market that we haven't tapped into just yet.


If we set up the program to allow other GSPs to register servers then they can offer the lobby and anti cheat to their customers free of charge or make them pay a fee. That will be up to them.


If your GSP rents Race servers it might be worth absorbing the fee just so you can offer the anti cheat free to your customers.

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Well I highly doubt any GSP will then support your AC so basically you will only be able to advertise it through your own servers. AS a result it may take a very long time to make it known and meanwhile new "undetected" cheats will probably be made so you better have not spent much time/money on that else its a high risk as you make almost no chance to get a ROI unless you made that on your free time and at no cost at all.


We plan on launching a very aggressive advertising campaign for this project as we get closer to the release date. Word of an Anti cheat will rapidly spread in the Racing community.


We have the ability to add new cheats the same day they are released. Yes there will be some lag time between the release of the new cheat and our ability to detect it but that lag time will minimal.


We have invested a great deal of time and money on this project we will eventually see an ROI but that is not the primary purpose of the project.

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The goal is for our anti-cheat to become as widely used in Race Sims as Punkbuster is in FPS games.


Best of luck to you on your endeavor. Anticheat is always good for the community, but I think you missed the key ingredient that made Punkbuster strong for FPS and that's its funding source.

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Best of luck but what has already been stated here is more than enough that if I were in that market I surely wouldn't help you test it and then get shit on later.



consider giving a discount to testers, Im not interested anymore anyway since this is a pay thing and I do not trust pay solutions when its about anticheats. Sorry if I look paranoid but from experience those providing pay anticheats are the same ones developping cheats they can then block with their AC. Not saying you gona do that but thats a principle I will keep sticking to.

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consider giving a discount to testers, Im not interested anymore anyway since this is a pay thing and I do not trust pay solutions when its about anticheats. Sorry if I look paranoid but from experience those providing pay anticheats are the same ones developping cheats they can then block with their AC. Not saying you gona do that but thats a principle I will keep sticking to.


For what the lobby is going to provide we can't go any lower than $5. It is not only an anti cheat it will have a built in carfile manager, RPM, VoIP, and Hotlaps interface.


We are building and deploying a new server just for the lobby.

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Best of luck to you on your endeavor. Anticheat is always good for the community, but I think you missed the key ingredient that made Punkbuster strong for FPS and that's its funding source.


We are working on the funding now, it will come in time, as the anti cheat grows in popularity.

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