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Game Service not installing Correctly


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Hello, this is my first post here and i hope not to post many of this nature :D

I have setup an Alien swarm service and then attempted to install it via tcadmin but it fails to start the server once complete.

Status is Unknown. If I attempt to start it i get "Cannot open TC15886606702758038757431 service on computer '.'." or "Error while starting: Cannot open TC15886606702758038757431 service on computer '.'." depending if i start it within the server details or overview.


I have run the command line from preview on the server directly which works fine.


I have also looked around and check the Server Console output of the remote server and it has shown an installation problem.

(As directly pulled from the console)

Creating game server (Alien Swarm )...

Creating paths for game server...

Copying game files from disk...

Checking for available ip and port...

Modifying game files...

Setting up game service...

StandardPlugins.Services.ServiceInstallation.Execute: Exit Code: 128 Error Message:

GSAutomation.Processes.CreateGameServer: Service was saved to the database but could not be installed.


Any help would be appreciated as this is the first time i have tried to setup a new game on our systems. (not the top dog at the company :S... yet)

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Hi, did you created your folder alienswarm in the folder GameInstalls?? Also, does it contains the files required for alienswarm to work?


You can find some configuration files there : http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=7092


Also, i made you a little tutorial on how to install it.


1 - Make sure you installed HLDSUpdateTools.
2 - Make a folder named 'alienswarm' in the C:/GameInstalls/  directory.
3 - Make a shortcut to the HLDSUpdatetool.exe generaly installed in c:/HLDSUpdateTool
4 - Add this at the end of your shortcut : -command update -game alienswarm -dir c:/GameInstalls/alienswarm
5 - Add the configuration file you found on TCAdmin Forums or Use the one you already have.


Everything should work correctly. Tell us if its working or if it failed. :)

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heres how its set up atm in reference to your guide.

1 - Done, we have a quiet a few games servers thru it.

2 - named aswarm but is linked correctly in tcadmin.

3 - we have a .bat file to update the game install files which installs/updates to z:\games\"game"

4 - done within the .bat.

5 - have taken the one from TCAdmin Forum and modified the install directory. That was the only change.

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right new update. I have checked the console and one of my colleges has attempted to install an HL2DM server. (which i have had running previously) and this also comes up with the following.

Creating game server (Half-Life 2: Deathmatch)...

Creating paths for game server...

Copying game files from disk...

Checking for available ip and port...

Modifying game files...

Setting up game service...

StandardPlugins.Services.ServiceInstallation.Execute: Exit Code: 128 Error Message:

GSAutomation.Processes.CreateGameServer: Service was saved to the database but could not be installed.


thing is i have customers already running this game without issue.


I really dont want to be restarting the server as this will take a couple customers down for a while (unfortunately we dont run SSD's)

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