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Launching steam based games from a web link


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Hey guys I am trying to setup some demos servers and I want it to be possible from a web link to launch steam, launch css and then connect to the server. I thought I was doing it right but it would just bring up steam and do nothing. I looked on velocity servers site and they are doing the same thing but nothing happens. Here is their code


steam: '-applaunch 240 -game cstrike +connect'


As far as I can tell this should work. However when I try to use this it does the same thing, bring steam to the forefront and just sit there. If I use this code in the command prompt


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam>steam -applaunch 240 -game cstrike +connect


It tries to connect (their demo server is out of date but at least it tries). Has something changed with the code, or is my client just acting up.



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That code does not do anything. If you use this



steam: '-applaunch 240 -game cstrike +connect'



in a browser it will at least launch steam and sit there. It is suppose to launch css and try to join the server, which is what it used to do but now does not.



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Hi, there is no http. But adamnp is not far away. You just need to put a link like this.


steam://connect/<IP or DNS name>[:port]/'password "blah" ' 


WARNING: If you are using variables such as password, don't forget the Quotation Marks like the Steam Wiki say's.


Example in HTML :

<a href="steam://connect/">Connect to my Server</a>


The full commands can be found there : http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_browser_protocol

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Whoops, yeah I shouldn't have put the http:// there. Sorry about that.





would be the correct way, as djonz stated :) [thanks for the correction]


Keep in mind that the particular user trying to connect "should" have steam already open. Then the server ip is passed from browser -> steam client.

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Hey thanks guys, However I have one question. I am looking at the command examples on the page and I see this



steam://connect/<IP or DNS name>[:<port>][/<password>]



So that means you should be able to connect to a passworded server from a browser, but I cant seem to get it to work


I have tried this


<a href="steam://connect/ /password test">test server</a>


and I cant get it to work, it says bad password. I have tried test putting test in quotes, the whole /password test in quotes, and still it gives a bad password attempt when it tries to connect. I did read this in your post


WARNING: If you are using variables such as password, don't forget the Quotation Marks like the Steam Wiki say's


but I am not sure what you mean here, and the link you provided did not state anything like this on the page that I could see. Could you provide an example with a password since I am obviously missing something.



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Hi, Quotation Marks are englobing the wholes variables after the ip/port.


There is some examples :

Only Ip/Port:

Only with password : 
steam://connect/'password blah;'

With more that only 1 arguments :
steam://connect/'password blah; variable2 argument2;'


Do you see both ( ' ) ?? (Quotation Marks) Don't forget them!!


Also, if you have spaces in your password or special characters, it is preferable to add " " like this :

steam://connect/'password "blah blah";'


For HTML link, it should look like this :

<a href="steam://connect/'password bla;' ">Try this Server</a>

See that i kept using quotation marks ( ' ).


Steam is supposed to retreive the Game Type and launch the right one.


Hope that help you.

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