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Experienced MySQL/PHP Developer Needed


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Hi All,


I'm looking for an experienced PHP or Rails programmer to develop a fully custom front/backend end system. This a big project so if you don't have the time or experience then please don't respond. I don't want to post too many details about the project on here but we can discuss it privately after signed NDA if you are interested or please refer me to someone creditable.


All design work is being done by me. The system will need to have quite a bit of features including the ability for admin and client log-ins (with the option for OPEN ID), location based "listings", and a variety of other user features. The main feature of the project is scheduling.


If you are interested in working on this project please send me an e-mail (jesse[]xiloom[]com). Let me know what kind of work you have done, live examples, and how much you charge if hourly or if you charge based on a quote.


Any help is appreciated, Thanks!


Any companies that also do iPhone/Android/Blackberry apps are needed as well.

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Try contacting m247.com they do alot of inhouse development

As I've just left the team I'm not sure about outside quotes


But they have C# C++ Rails / PHP developers and made there own iPhone/Android/Blackberry apps for there own services


No harm in asking :)

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