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BF2 Lags at 40+ Players


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We recently rented a quad core machine out to a client, and his sole purpose for renting the machine was to run a 64 slot Project Reality server (BF2 mod).


At first he complained of connection drops and lag at 30+ players, which we resolved by disabling the NAT setting in the server configuration file. After he tested this, he said he was able to get 40-45 on without any problems, then at about 50 players or so the server went nuts.


The CPU usage is hitting about 15% usage when he has 40-45 players on, so this isn't an issue. The network usage is not very bad at all either, so I am at a loss as to what the issue might be.


We have the firewall disabled so I don't think it is a port issue. He is on server 2003 but I can't think of any settings that would be causing problems.

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No, but I know Continuum has been having some severe network issues. They have told us that they need to replace a router but they have no ETA. We have had problems with them for the past couple of months.


peace: The customer said they already tried that with no luck.

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I don't believe so. He is using the built in VOIP which I am going to change over to a remote VOIP shortly. Aside from that, I don't think he has anything else on that could be disabled/migrated to other cores.


Here is his server configuration. Does anything look off in that at all?


As far as the framerate, are you talking about clientside or server side? I am not too familiar with the BF2/BF2142 games (mostly just did source support until recently) but I was actually wondering if there was server side FPS that could be lowered and/or viewed on BF2.



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After reading some more and thinking a bit, I am assuming the issues are because it is maxing out one core.


He is on a Q8400 processor which is 2.66ghz, although it seems like this should be able to handle it.


Thought you had him on a Q8400, They chip don't have hyperthreading.


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