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En espa?ol :


Hola, me presento soy mariano abro este tema para preguntarle si hay alguna forma de agregar un nuevo boton al panel para agregar el vencimiento y que se reenvie una boleta automaticamente 2 dias antes... si es posible me avisan aver si me pongo a pensar como hacerlo y si lo tienen les agradeceria si me lo pueden pasar.


PD: si tienen algo parecido para facturas, vencimientos, etc les agradeceria que me avisen.


Mucha Gracias


En Ingles:


Hi, I'm presented Marian open this topic to ask if there is any way to add a new button to the panel to add the maturity and forwarded a ballot automatically 2 days before ... if possible let me know See if I start thinking how to do it and if they do I would appreciate if I can pass.


PS: If you have something similar to bills, deadlines, etc. I would appreciate to let me know.


Many Thanks

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En espa?ol :


me falta el archivo aspx que no me sale armar y tampoco me sale armar un sistema php que interactue con la DB


En Ingles :


aspx file I'm missing out not me and I do not set out to assemble a system that interact with php DB

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Billing is a completely separate item, you will need to have your own billing software. Whether you buy it, write your own, or trust a free GPL script is up to you. But TcAdmin does not, have and I seriously doubt plans too add one, any billing code.


Once you have secured your billing software you simply create a link to the page in the billing software that has that information. Exactly what the link would look like depends on the billing software being used.

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