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MNC Blitz server crashing


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So after nothing but headaches with this, I am hoping someone here might be able to help. I have literally tried everything I could possibly think of and I am now at a loss.


I posted this on Uberent forums, but those guys shutdown when a technical question comes along :oh noes



We have a client whose Blitz server crashes through the game panel (TCAdmin) regardless of what we do. The machine is running Server 2008, and if ran from a batch file with the exact same command line, it starts up.


I initially thought this was a problem with the game panel, however his Crossfire server works perfectly fine.


I noticed that if I RDP into the machine, and run the steam update with -verify_all, it updates /hostilegame/config/hostilemaplist.ini and /hostilegame/config/hostileeditorusersettings.ini files. When I start the game server up after that, it shows on the browser momentarily, then crashes again. Running steam update with -verify_all then replaces those two files again.


The command line is...


server HostileLobby?game=HostileGame.HGameInfo_PreGameLobby?bIsLanMatch=False?bIsDedicated=True?ServerDescription="ServerName"?MinNumToStart=1?GameType=TeamBlitz?MapName=4?CoopChallenge=4 -log=DedicatedServer.log -STEAM_DEDSERVER -multihome=IPAdressHere -nohomedir -ServerInstance=1 -seekfreeloadingserver

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