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HELP! me install


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i got my key in today and am excited to get TCadmin on my machine. it is a fresh server so i am started from scratch, i installed IIS & framework 1.1 with the service pack. i ran the install and selected that this machine be the master server & web server, and when i get to the mysql account i get confused and lost, i tried to install mysql 5.5 with the odbc drivers and it still couldnt connect to the mysql (localhost) thing...


can someone link me to the exact MySQL version i am supposed to be installing?

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There is no exact MySQL you have to use it just has to be a fully functioning MySQL before you do the TcAdmin installation and should be one of the later versions no MySQL ver 1 ;)

But if its all that new to you I'd suggest starting out with a microsoft access database format. For smaller organizations it works just fine and you will have far less headaches getting started. Then as you grow you can convert over to MySQL to handle increased size.

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