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RedOrchestra2 Beta Config?


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How are people handling security and port usage for this?

Right now I have join port for 7777 and query for 27015 however the query will not work.

Web Admin seems to give a lot of control, and editing the ports could cause trouble.


The command line will overwrite any changes done via Web Admin I believe. I have a TCAdmin 2.0 config for RO2.

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I don't see an option in command line builder that would allow clients to change the default map.

Anything I'm missing?

It can't be left blank, and prefixing it with server doesn't seem to work.

Whenever I use: FF-Barracks?MinPlayers=0?MaxPlayers=%slots% -seekfreeloadingserver -multihome=%serverip% -port=%serverport% -log=ServerLog

I can only have one server online, whenever I put a second server up, it boots for a bit, then shuts down.

Edited by KevinJ
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In your command line if you have max slots sent to 32 they can change the slot count in web admin to lower or higher. They can change it but the server will get disabled unless you have something configured wrong. We also have 3-4 servers running on the same boxes without issues.

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Might I ask what settings you use for IP and Port Settings in tcadmin?

I use 7777 for Default Port and 27015 for default Query Port (which I don't think is right, but it works in HLSW but not tcadmin).

Any special settings need to be done in the ini files perhaps to allow more than one per machine?

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Might I ask what settings you use for IP and Port Settings in tcadmin?

I use 7777 for Default Port and 27015 for default Query Port (which I don't think is right, but it works in HLSW but not tcadmin).

Any special settings need to be done in the ini files perhaps to allow more than one per machine?


The query port will incriment by the number you add to the server port so if you use 7787 that is +10 on the defualt so the query port will be 27025, currently there is no way to fix this but TWI are working on a fix.


For people with the issue of laying down a correct ROweb.ini write to /ROGame/Config/defaultweb.ini your ListenPort for webadmin this will copy to ROweb.ini on first boot, this is a quick fix by TWI.

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I have a similar issue Gordo, running the exact same command line via bat files or command prompt, everything works.

When using TCAdmin, I can only have one online per hardware.

I can use the exact same install and bat files to launch as many non TCAdmin servers as I'd like.

When using TCAdmin, all servers after the first one, restart constantly until tcadmin stops them. There is no error that I can see.


When allowing the service to run as System, and Interact with Desktop, it does work however.

Edited by KevinJ
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My server keeps crashing when i run it by tcadmin , when i run the .bat file it works fine any help guys?

added my config

You ever figure out why the server keeps crashing? I've tried playing around with your config but I cant figure it out..


Anyone willing to share a working config?

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