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RedOrchestra2 Beta Config?


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yah I thought that so I've updated all my c++ but still no luck, the only thing I don't understand is I can load the server via a bat file just not on the exe which mean I can't place a cmd line on it :/ could you tell me exactly what c++ you have install so I can check?

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yah I thought that so I've updated all my c++ but still no luck, the only thing I don't understand is I can load the server via a bat file just not on the exe which mean I can't place a cmd line on it :/ could you tell me exactly what c++ you have install so I can check?


Make sure you run the ue3redist.exe in the binaries/windows folder

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Hello dudes!

I have installed a server without any issues. Server status is Running, and it is Green. Which means that it should be working when adding the server to your favorite or when you join the server in game. For some reason it does not. I tought that opening the port 7777 would fix the issue, but it has not. Anyone has ideas?

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well for me its the same here server is running but cant find it in the list. firewall is turnd off. but nothing! shame that you cant put the ip in directly to go on the server :(


u can join the server directly by bringing up the console and typing

open IP:port

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yea i've set the compatibility to HL2 but i still get spam about the server being down and " Game server is not responding" when i click "more info".


The firewall on windows is set to accept all connections for that process.


Oh i believe i now what's wrong. The query port is probably not matching since it's already taken but not set via tcadmin. How do i change the query port in RO2?



edit: on the dev forum they write the following:

"Steam Port: by default this is 27015. If you change the Game Port this port is automatically updated. You can calculate your Steam port like this: Steam Port = 27015 + <Game Port> - 7777"


Seems kinda bad if you already run hlds processes on the same instance

Edited by wizzler
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Oh i believe i now what's wrong. The query port is probably not matching since it's already taken but not set via tcadmin. How do i change the query port in RO2?



edit: on the dev forum they write the following:

"Steam Port: by default this is 27015. If you change the Game Port this port is automatically updated. You can calculate your Steam port like this: Steam Port = 27015 + <Game Port> - 7777"


Seems kinda bad if you already run hlds processes on the same instance


You can also over ride it in the commandline: ?SteamPort=<port>

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  • 2 weeks later...
Add it into your commandline.


so i don't need to define it as listenport in defaultweb or ROWeb.ini?

Can you provide me with a configfile ? i keep having troubles with it :S

Edited by AdmiralAnal
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Is this for the beta? or the full version?

I only have a full version setup, not the beta.


Just go into your service settings and edit your commandline to add ?EnableWebAdmin=True?WebAdminPort=%customport1%


You don't need to do anything with the ini files.

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Is this for the beta? or the full version?

I only have a full version setup, not the beta.


Just go into your service settings and edit your commandline to add ?EnableWebAdmin=True?WebAdminPort=%customport1%


You don't need to do anything with the ini files.


It is for the full version

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