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Swat 4 not being added to the firewall


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I can get my swat 4 server running on the desktop, then i get message unblock this in firewall works fine, shows up on hlsw.


But no matter what i do to the instal uninstal scripts, when the server is created its not adding to the firewall exceptions, anyone have any ideas.

I have searched the forums on swat4 for cant see any post pointing to the problem i have.


many thanks for any help

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Hi heres my instal script


@echo off&setlocal enableextensions

for %%* in (.) do set serviceid=%%~n*

if not defined serviceid set serviceid=%CD:\=%

net user %serverip%%serverport% /add /passwordchg:no

net localgroup tcagroup %serverip%%serverport% /add

net localgroup users %serverip%%serverport% /delete

net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

cacls "E:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services\%serviceid%" /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f

cacls %gameserverroot%.. /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f

sc config %serviceid% obj= .\%serverip%%serverport% password=

netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%gameserverexe%" %serverip%_%serverport% ENABLE

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Hi heres my instal script


@echo off&setlocal enableextensions

for %%* in (.) do set serviceid=%%~n*

if not defined serviceid set serviceid=%CD:\=%

net user %serverip%%serverport% /add /passwordchg:no

net localgroup tcagroup %serverip%%serverport% /add

net localgroup users %serverip%%serverport% /delete

net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

cacls "E:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services\%serviceid%" /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f

cacls %gameserverroot%.. /t /e /g %serverip%%serverport%:f

sc config %serviceid% obj= .\%serverip%%serverport% password=

netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%gameserverexe%" %serverip%_%serverport% ENABLE


change this to:


sc config %serviceid% obj= LocalSystem
netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%gameserverexe%" %serverip%_%serverport% ENABLE



Swat4 has to be started under local system account to work properly

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I have it set to primary ip

And i have changed the install script last 2 lines to what you said, and also deleted my instal script and added only the 2 lines you said.


Thank you so far for your help


still cant get responce through tca admin and still not being added to the firewall exceptions


Here is my command line that im using Downloaded off here -port=%serverport%

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