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CoD4 Pro Mod Custom Command Line Template- Promod Live 211 - Setting rcon


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Hey guys, :cool


We're running some CoD4 promodlive 211 servers and we're testing the templates now but people are complaining that the rcon password is getting hacked by people downloading our servers config.


I know there's a work around by not specifying rcon in the actual mod config, but every time we leave it blank or remove it, rcon stops working while the mod is running. I know we can fix this by doing the following, or adding a custom command line to each server but isn't there a way that would set this globally to the template so it would set each rcon to the users preferances upon server creation or mod installation?


eg: +set rcon_password "passhere"


Add that to the command line and it works, but how would I specify a user generated rcon password in that particular field when modifying the COD 4 Command line template?


Heres our default promod live command line:


+set fs_savepath $[service.UserDirectory] +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip $[service.IpAddress] +set net_port $[service.GamePort] +set sv_maxclients $[service.Slots] +set sv_punkbuster "1" +exec server.cfg +map_rotate +set fs_game mods/promodlive211 +set sv_punkbuster "1" +set sv_rcon_password


There has to be like a $[service.rcon] right?



Let me know if any of this makes sense, and if you can help this poor little noob.




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