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Using Primary IP of TCAdmin for a game server causes server to stop


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For the past several weeks, I've noticed one of the TF2 servers on my dedicated box would just enter a "Stopped" state via TCAdmin and go offline for seemingly no apparent reason. After some testing, I found out something interesting.


On my dedicated server (which also hosts my TCAdmin Master), if I use the same IP I run the TCAdmin website on for running a game server too, TCAdmin will stop the server when an Admin does a fresh login to the TCAdmin web interface. I tried it several times and confirmed it.


If this is a known issue, I couldn't find it posted. Just thought I'd share.


Have a good weekend,

Mike V.

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As a general rule, 3 years ago I decided to stop using primary IP for anything other than the web / ftp and now and then perhaps voice servers main ip. Other than that I do not use it for game servers so that it allows you to easily move game servers and also if your main ip goes down your main game servers are not affected.

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Like you Carl, I have always played it safe and reserved using the primary IP for nothing other than TCAdmin website just to be safe. Unfortunately, the primary IP was in the IP pool for TCAdmin to assign to game servers and was auto-assigned by a user setting up a server. By the time I found out, the server was already populated so I didn't want to change it and hoped for the best. I ended up changing it after discovering the issue and the change resolved it. I just thought I'd share in case someone else ran into the same scenario.


Take care,

Mike V.

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