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Arma Series Mission


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I have the following in my server.cfg but it does not play with TCA.


class Missions


class Mission1


template = "XXXXXMAP.Takistan";





I can run the servers fine without a set mission list which produces voting and runs fine.


I'd like clients to be able to set this but, when 'maplist' is set clients connecting get only 'waiting for host' and console shows map read but doesn't actually read the map.



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Specifies the mission rotation and related difficulty settings.
leave blank i.e   class Missions {};
to enable player's selection from mission list & difficulty settings
(voted on if no admin logged in)
class Missions
class Mission_01   // name for the mission, can be anything
template = mymission.Chernarus; // omit the .pbo suffix
difficulty: recruit, regular, veteran & expert 
as specified in *.Arma2profile
difficulty = "regular";   
The following options are seen in the lobby of a multiplayer game. These 
options can be useful for setting time limits and score limits in such games 
as Capture the Flag and Death Matches. Other popular uses include 
accelerate time, setting the mission difficulty or switching the intro on/off.
param1 =   
param2 = 
class Mission_02
template = anothermission.Chernarus; 
difficulty = "veteran";
param1 =   
param2 = 





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