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Been hammering my head to wall for a quite long time with this one, does anyone managed to get Arma2 Dayz run under tca1? If so, could that kind soul give me some pointers how to proceed with this one, im getting server easily up and running from desktop, but no matter what i do with TCA still get pathes wrong (me thinks) cause server is not starting properly.. :/



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Try this:


1 set up Arma2 CO as normal and install the latest beta, and then set it to run the beta version in Expansion\beta

2 Use the Override Default Command line in service settings and set the CL to, (using your settings):


-ip=your_ip -port=2302 -cpuCount=1 -exThreads=1 -noSound -par=path_to\dayz.txt


3 Create a dayz.txt with the following in it, renaming files as needed




That should do it.

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