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Whcms Module


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Hi iam using the Advanced Module...


How you guys handle this?!


Let the Customer choose to also buy a voice server when you buy a game server...


i thought im doing this easy with an config option...


So i created an Configurable Option with:


0|No Voice Server

10|10 Slot Voice Serve

15| 15 Slto Voice Server

and so on...


But when i try to get the Server created with (0|No Voice) the Whcms tell me:


Value for voice_slots should be greater than 0.


So how you handle this? Whcms dont like this because iam trying to sent Voice Server slots with 0 Slots, but when i sent this with blank slots it will create the same slots like it does for the game server :(


Hope you knwo what i mean....

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How about doing a separate configurable option for the voice server from the voice slots?


0|No Voice Server

TEAMSPEAK3|Teamspeak Server

xxxxx|Ventrilo Server


and then one for voice server slots

10|10 Slot Voice Serve

15| 15 Slot Voice Server

and so on...

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