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WHMCS Addon Feature Requiest - Service Status

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Within WHMCS, for services such as VPS or Dedicated you can see its current status, usually via API for VPS or via the data center public IPMI for dedicated.


It would be nice to see the status of the game service within WHMCS. Just the running, stopped, disabled, unknown, starting ect.


This will help with managing some basic service operations through whmcs


Kind Regards



Vilayer Ltd

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Actually I think this might be a good place to ask for this. I haven't looked at it since setting it up but, WHMCS provides the required file(s) in the WHMCS download. If these files could be edited/manipulated to pull the same required info that WHMCS is looking for it could be done. That said, you could write your own status request code and put it in another table inside WHMCS on the server status page.


I've actually wanted this, just never got around to looking into what was needed or asking. Maybe one of the many wizards that frequent these boards can whip something up.


Actual supported module would be great though.

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Chegy, it relates more to tcadmin as they created the WHMCS addon module which provides the hooks.


icekohl, its certainly possible. ive not looked into the tcadmin module for whmcs yet so not sure what hooks are available to use. Theres possibilities to show CPU/Memory ect in the same way solus vm does

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I talked to Luis about adding a status feature in his API, he has said he has added it to the list of things to do.


I've got a working phone system going so you can start/stop/restart and reset your password over an API through any phone you wish (locked to account pin)


It also gets the status with a workaround.

Edited by CloudCUBE
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