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Paying for help with css config


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i am so desperate! i am whilling to pay for you to get css working again. name how much you want and i will pay it if my budget can handle it.. i have tried for days now and notthing works :sad: you can contact me here, steam or skype


Skype: henrikkroko

Steam: krokodk


Hope to hear from you!

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Hi everyone, steamcmd has changed the directory structure (again) thanks valve you're a pain in the ass.


It no longer uses css\cstrike\ they have removed css\

so you need to upgrade the executable from \css\srcds.exe to just srcds.exe


then goto steam update and switch it to steamcmd and app id 232330


For the firewall issue just use this script and put the event to 'after steam update'


netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ID:%ThisService_ServiceId% USER:%ThisUser_UserName% GAME:%ThisService_GameShortName% IP/PORT:%ThisService_ConnectionInfo% UDP" dir=in action=allow program="%ThisService_Executable%" localport="%ThisService_GamePort%,%ThisService_QueryPort%" protocol=UDP


netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ID:%ThisService_ServiceId% USER:%ThisUser_UserName% GAME:%ThisService_GameShortName% IP/PORT:%ThisService_ConnectionInfo% TCP" dir=in action=allow program="%ThisService_Executable%" localport="%ThisService_RConPort%" protocol=TCP


make sure there is no spacing in the code snippet above. (will work on 08 and 12)

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Hi everyone, steamcmd has changed the directory structure (again) thanks valve you're a pain in the ass.


It no longer uses css\cstrike\ they have removed css\

so you need to upgrade the executable from \css\srcds.exe to just srcds.exe


then goto steam update and switch it to steamcmd and app id 232330


For the firewall issue just use this script and put the event to 'after steam update'




make sure there is no spacing in the code snippet above. (will work on 08 and 12)


damn you are a few hours late with that post :p i manuel updated the firewall on all my clients servers :D that took some time xD

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