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batch help


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hallo, i am trying to create a custom icon script. everytime a person click on it, it will delete maplist.txt and generate a new one with all the maps that is in the maps folder. what i have so far is:


@echo off
del maplist.txt
cd maps
For %%a in (*.bsp) do @echo %%~na >>"%~dp0maplist.txt"
echo List Generated!


if i have that then i need a bat file on each game server (in cstrike folder) for it to work. do anyone of you know a seloution that would work out of the box without having any script on the game server? i do not know much about batch scripting so if you say something advanced, then i would not understand! :p i got the current script from here http://forums.srcds.com/viewtopic/15871



Thanks in advance


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so i can just create a custom icon and use that as script?


EDIT: I tryed using this


@echo off

cd cstrike

del maplist.txt

cd maps

For %%a in (*.bsp) do @echo %%~na >>"%~dp0maplist.txt"

echo List Generated!



but that just deleted maplist.txt and diddent create it again. anyone know why?

Edited by kroko
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cd %ThisService_WorkingDirectory%

del \q maplist.txt

cd maps

For %%a in (*.bsp) do @echo %%~na >>"%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%maplist.txt"


that should work


i get this

Could Not Find C:\q
C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12>cd C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12\ 
Could Not Find C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12\maplist.txt

The system cannot find the path specified.
C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12>del \q maplist.txt 

C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12>cd maps 

C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12>For %a in (*.bsp) do @echo %~na 1>>"C:\TCAFiles\Users\kroko\12\maplist.txt" 

The script has executed successfully. You may close this window.




maplist.txt is located in cstrike folder and not root




i modifyed your script to this

cd %ThisService_WorkingDirectory%cstrike

del maplist.txt

cd maps

For %%a in (*.bsp) do @echo %%~na >>"%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%maplist.txt"


that is creating the maplist.txt. but it is doing so in root. do you know how to get it to make it in the cstrike folder?

Edited by kroko
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nvm, got this to work


cd %ThisService_WorkingDirectory%cstrike

del maplist.txt

cd maps

For %%a in (*.bsp) do @echo %%~na >>"%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%cstrike\maplist.txt"



Thanks alot for your help :)

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