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Minecraft RAM Limit and Tekkit servers


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I have just startet a hosting company, and I get a lot of Minecraft orders. The thing is, that when I am trying to specify how much RAM Minecraft is allowed to use in the command line, by changing the command line, in Service settings to what I need:

-Xmx![512]M -Xms![512]M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui


What happenes when I am trying to launch a server with these parameters, is that TCA tells me that the server is running with PID 0, and when I am trying to connect, the connection fails.


Also, how exactly do I setup a system in WHMCS, where people specify how much RAM they need for their server?


And last; How do I exactly add mods, which can be installed by the client, and installing tekkit on an excisting MC server?




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When you start the server using the same commandline out of tcadmin does it work?


you'll need to edit the default_values.php file or make a custom minecraft.php file and include the default_values.php file and use the Xmx and Xms cvars.

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Alright, got the tekkit server working, with the custom command line.

Which values, and how will I need to make a new minecraft.php ?


I assume I copy the same as default_values.php, but where it specifies the RAM limit for MC, I edit something. But how? And How can I make it, so people can choose their RAM limit via. the new minecraft.php ?

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EDIT: The tekkit does not work; and it works without TCAdmin, if I remove the clamps ([]) and the !. It also seems like it is launching the server with another parameter, because the webconsole says it is launching with 1GB xmx, but I've set it to launch it with 3gb xmx.

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