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Fast Download Custom Compression Settings


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Instead of adding more file support to the fast download compression, why not allow custom file specification?


You could easily put the compression file somewhere and specify the command line that it would use to compress game files.


Something like this.


<path to compression tool> $[File]


So say we was doing this for Killing Floor, we could do something like.


$[service.RootDirectory]/System/UCC.exe compress $[File]


Which would then compress the file into .uz2 format.


I think this method would actually be great since if any new games popup which include a tool to compress files for a fast download source then you could easily use this feature without waiting on a TCAdmin update to support the new game compression format.


What do others think?

Edited by BomBom
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  • 6 months later...

Surprised no one looked over this, very useful feature to have, i had to write my own fast download scripts to provide fast download support for killing floor customers.


Where as if this feature was implemented then we could use the built in fast download feature along with the config alteration on the killing floor game config to tell it which program to use for compression.


Very good to have if any more games come along and have their own compression methods.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I just have a script searching a specific directory and users are instructed to input into that folder then hit a sync button.


Then it cycles the directory, compresses files 1 by 1 then feeds that to an FTP server, the added bonus of that is i have it checking to make sure files upload so it won't remove files it compressed unless there's a successful upload to the fast download ftp.


But generally if what i suggested was built in then i wouldn't have to go to them extreme measures.

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