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branded and private server problems


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Hi All

Every time i create a server and pick no or yes for private server and branded it creates a branded private server. I've looked around for the same problem/answer but no luck. i have them setup like this:

1|yes 0|no

also the host name wont change.



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Look through the way you have wrote your config files for the games you host...better still just the one giving you head-aches.



I would look to see that the paths to the ini files for the game is just one of the things to explorer.


Others would be:


Spelled correctly


un-wanted characters.


It gets pretty handy just copy and pasting repetitive lines.. one look away from what you are doing..and "poof' extra space or character..


If you customized your configs that most of us do..basic lines will work in other games.

That's where it all starts to slide downhill...copy..paste..copy ..paste..WTF?


Good luck



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