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Odd l4d2 query issue


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new to tcadmin. Running on windows 2012

I set up 7 days to die servers with it fine

I set up minecraft based off ram fine

CSS fine

l4d1 all fine

l4d2 query fails, no mater what port is assigned.

not a fire wall issue, tested with it off. and manually entered the exe and ports to be sure.

copied the exact command line into a bat file turned the surver on all works fine. moved back to tcadmin cannot query.

uninstalled the game, installed l4d1 on the port l4d2 WAS on and it works fine, uninstalled l4d1 and reinstalled l4d2 query failed.


same results with 3rd party querying. Game also doesn't allow you to connect (unless i run it on bat file without tcadmin)


im lost here.

any help i would gracefully welcome :D



srcds.exe -console -condebug -game left4dead2 -secure -port 27045 +ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -maxplayers 8 +map c1m1_hotel +exec server.cfg


Steam settings - Enabled (steamcmd)

Game Name/App Id: 222860


steam update output

Initializing Steam...

Steam Console Client © Valve Corporation

-- type 'quit' to exit --

Loading Steam3...OK.

Loading Steam2...OK.


Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.

Success! App '222860' already up to date.

@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1

"@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1"

@NoPromptForPassword 1

"@NoPromptForPassword" = "1"

login anonymous

force_install_dir "C:\TCAFiles\Users\mcneilm\5\"

app_update 222860


Steam_: BugslayerUtil.DLL not found

Redirecting stderr to 'C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd\logs\stderr.txt'

[ 0%] Checking for available updates...

[----] Verifying installation...




The process has completed.

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  • 2 months later...

If you're running Windows 2012, please notice this:

Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, Windows XP SP3/Vista/7 (32/64 bit)

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

On Windows 2008 R2 install from Administrative Tools > Server Manager > Features

On Windows XP/2003 it is recommended that you disable Dr. Watson How to disable or enable Dr. Watson for Windows

WinPcap(for bandwidth monitor)

Garry's Mod and other source games need tweaking to work on Windows Server 2012. If you plan on running source games Windows Server 2008 is recommended.

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