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CS:GO Server crash when ESL Config used.


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I'm having a clean installation of CS:GO, with standard setup.


A customer of mine have just added a config / plugin called ESL.


And for some reason the game server crashes after 5-30 minutes when config is loaded.


When the config ain't loaded, everything run normally.


I'm running tcadmin v2




// Electronic Sports League

// CS:GO 3on3/5on5 Ladder Config

// 30.09.2013



ammo_grenade_limit_default 1

ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 2

ammo_grenade_limit_total 4


bot_quota "0" // Determines the total number of bots in the game


cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb 3500

cash_team_elimination_bomb_map 3250

cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb 3500

cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue 3500

cash_team_loser_bonus 1400

cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds 500

cash_team_rescued_hostage 750

cash_team_hostage_alive 150

cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused 800

cash_team_hostage_interaction 150

cash_player_killed_teammate -3300

cash_player_killed_enemy_default 300

cash_player_killed_enemy_factor 1

cash_player_bomb_planted 300

cash_player_bomb_defused 300

cash_player_rescued_hostage 1000

cash_player_interact_with_hostage 150

cash_player_damage_hostage -30

cash_player_killed_hostage -1000


ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.85 // How much to reduce damage done to teammates by a thrown grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)

ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0.33 // How much to reduce damage done to teammates when shot. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)

ff_damage_reduction_other 0.4 // How much to reduce damage done to teammates by things other than bullets and grenades. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)

ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self 1 // How much to damage a player does to himself with his own grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)


mp_afterroundmoney 0 // amount of money awared to every player after each round

mp_autokick 0 // Kick idle/team-killing players

mp_autoteambalance 0

mp_buytime 15 // How many seconds after round start players can buy items for.

mp_c4timer 35 // How long from when the C4 is armed until it blows

mp_death_drop_defuser 1 // Drop defuser on player death

mp_death_drop_grenade 2 // Which grenade to drop on player death: 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best

mp_death_drop_gun 1 // Which gun to drop on player death: 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best

mp_defuser_allocation 0 // How to allocate defusers to CTs at start or round: 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone

mp_do_warmup_period 1 // Whether or not to do a warmup period at the start of a match.

mp_forcecamera 1 // Restricts spectator modes for dead players

mp_force_pick_time 160 // The amount of time a player has on the team screen to make a selection before being auto-teamed

mp_free_armor 0 // Determines whether armor and helmet are given automatically.

mp_freezetime 12 // How many seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts

mp_friendlyfire 1 // Allows team members to injure other members of their team

mp_halftime 1 // Determines whether or not the match has a team-swapping halftime event.

mp_halftime_duration 15 // Number of seconds that halftime lasts

mp_join_grace_time 30 // Number of seconds after round start to allow a player to join a game

mp_limitteams 0 // Max # of players 1 team can have over another (0 disables check)

mp_logdetail 3 // Logs attacks. Values are: 0=off, 1=enemy, 2=teammate, 3=both)

mp_match_can_clinch 1 // Can a team clinch and end the match by being so far ahead that the other team has no way to catching up

mp_match_end_restart 1 // At the end of the match, perform a restart instead of loading a new map

mp_maxmoney 16000 // maximum amount of money allowed in a player's account

mp_maxrounds 30 // max number of rounds to play before server changes maps

mp_molotovusedelay 0 // Number of seconds to delay before the molotov can be used after acquiring it

mp_overtime_enable 1 // Use overtime rules to determine winner

mp_overtime_maxrounds 10

mp_overtime_startmoney 16000

mp_playercashawards 1 // Players can earn money by performing in-game actions

mp_playerid 0 // Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names

mp_playerid_delay 0.5 // Number of seconds to delay showing information in the status bar

mp_playerid_hold 0.25 // Number of seconds to keep showing old information in the status bar

mp_round_restart_delay 5 // Number of seconds to delay before restarting a round after a win

mp_roundtime 1.75 // How many minutes each round takes.

mp_roundtime_defuse 1.75 // How many minutes each round takes on defusal maps.

mp_solid_teammates 1 // Determines whether teammates are solid or not.

mp_startmoney 800 // amount of money each player gets when they reset

mp_teamcashawards 1 // Teams can earn money by performing in-game actions

mp_timelimit 0 // game time per map in minutes

mp_tkpunish 0 // Will a TK'er be punished in the next round? {0=no, 1=yes}

mp_warmuptime 1 // If true, there will be a warmup period/round at the start of each match to allow

mp_weapons_allow_map_placed 1 // If this convar is set, when a match starts, the game will not delete weapons placed in the map.

mp_weapons_allow_zeus 1 // Determines whether the Zeus is purchasable or not.

mp_win_panel_display_time 15 // The amount of time to show the win panel between matches / halfs


spec_freeze_time 5.0 // Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam.

spec_freeze_panel_extended_time 0 // Time spent with the freeze panel still up after observer freeze cam is done.


sv_accelerate 5.6 // ( def. "10" ) client notify replicated

sv_allow_votes 0 // Allow voting?

sv_allow_wait_command 0 // Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.

sv_alltalk 0 // Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions

sv_alternateticks 0 // If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.

sv_cheats 0 // Allow cheats on server

sv_clockcorrection_msecs 15 // The server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount

sv_consistency 0 // Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files

sv_contact 0 // Contact email for server sysop

sv_damage_print_enable 0 // Turn this off to disable the player's damage feed in the console after getting killed.

sv_dc_friends_reqd 0 // Set this to 0 to allow direct connects to a game in progress even if no presents

sv_deadtalk 0 // Dead players can speak (voice, text) to the living

sv_forcepreload 0 // Force server side preloading.

sv_friction 4.8 // World friction.

sv_full_alltalk 0 // Any player (including Spectator team) can speak to any other player

sv_gameinstructor_disable 1 // Force all clients to disable their game instructors.

sv_ignoregrenaderadio 0 // Turn off Fire in the hole messages

sv_kick_players_with_cooldown 0 // (0: do not kick; 1: kick Untrusted players; 2: kick players with any cooldown)

sv_kick_ban_duration 0 // How long should a kick ban from the server should last (in minutes)

sv_lan 0 // Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )

sv_log_onefile 0 // Log server information to only one file.

sv_logbans 1 // Log server bans in the server logs.

sv_logecho 1 // Echo log information to the console.

sv_logfile 1 // Log server information in the log file.

sv_logflush 0 // Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).

sv_logsdir logfiles // Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.

sv_maxrate 0 // min. 0.000000 max. 30000.000000 replicated Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited

sv_mincmdrate 30 // This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited.

sv_minrate 20000 // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited

sv_competitive_minspec 1 // Enable to force certain client convars to minimum/maximum values to help prevent competitive advantages.

sv_competitive_official_5v5 1 // Enable to force the server to show 5v5 scoreboards and allows spectators to see characters through walls.

sv_pausable 1 // Is the server pausable.

sv_pure 1

sv_pure_kick_clients 1 // If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.

sv_pure_trace 0 // If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CR

sv_spawn_afk_bomb_drop_time 30 // Players that spawn and don't move for longer than sv_spawn_afk_bomb_drop_time (default 15 seconds) will automatically drop the bomb.

sv_steamgroup_exclusive 0 // If set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when it's empty, public people will be able to join the server only if it has players.

sv_voiceenable 0



say "> ESL CS:GO 3on3/5on5 Ladder Config loaded - 30.09.2013<"

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