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Hello, my name is Drew Christensen im 24 from Iowa i have been around PC Gaming since i was 10 years old playing Delta Force 2(ages ago lol). I used to run http://www.Wicked-Game-Servers.com things went downhill with my partner and ended up calling it quits, the website is still up if you wish to check it out.


I taught myself everything that i know now, i basically did everything myself from the ground up with Wicked Game Servers. Im looking to jump back into the GSP world weather its to help someone new setup or help someone that's short of a hand.


Here is a list of what i have done:


- Setup and Maintain TCadmin +Games

- Setup and Maintain WHMCS

- Maintain and Update the Website

- Technical Game Support

- Custom Game Configurations


I have done just about everything that is involved with running a GSP, i have not dealt much with Hosting though i have had hosting and domains for along time, i just never got around to offering hosting but will learn all that is needed.


I may have left some things out i put this together in short time, if you have any questions or concerns let me know or shoot me an email, thanks.



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