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TCAdmin All servers Status unknown, Error -500


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Hi All,


In the past ~12 hours we have ran into this error with our installation of TCAdmin2.


I have been unable to troubleshoot this with the documentation available on help.tcadmin.com and searching the forum (I may have missed it!).




Payment is current, I have verified this from the client area. The correct licence key is also present.


As a result all game servers are unable to be administrated.








Assistance would be appreciated to promptly resolve this issue.


Thank you,


Cas Bitton



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Advised solution from this post has resolved this issue:



To address certificate validation failures is to run the following command:

/opt/mono-2.10.8/bin/mozroots --import --sync

Mono version may differ on production server.


Then restart the monitor:


cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor

./monitor-service restart

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Is this on your master or remote server?

If it is on a remote server and the master server works as it should be, can you check if the version is shown of the remote server by servers, if not the connection between your master and remote server wouln'd be correctly has been setup

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