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Custom button to redirect to an url


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I don't believe that's possible atm.


The current custom icon buttons are intended to execute scripts. Personally, I wish there was a way to turn off the confirmation dialog and "The script has executed" message as we currently use it to display information. As far as linking of any type, your forced to echo the URL, can't even make it a hyperlink.


(all my of my experiences are based on the batch file engine, not IronPython)

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Here is answer from LUis via support ticket. this is to set a custom link using service variables:


Right now the only way to create custom links is by adding it to the database manually:


You can a custom icon to the game server page by executing this command on your database:

INSERT INTO tc_page_icons (icon_id, module_id, page_id, linked_page_id, display_name, description, icon, url, display_sql, user_type, view_order, enabled, is_postback, new_page) VALUES (9999, 'd3b2aa93-7e2b-4e0d-8080-67d14b2fa8a9', 23, 0, 'Custom Icon Text', 'Description shown when mouse is over the icon', 'http://www.google.com/images/icons/product/chrome-48.png', 'http://$[service.IpAddress]:$[service.CustomPort1]', 'SELECT $[service.GameId] = 9', 0, 100000, 1, 0, 1);


9999 is the icon id. Keep the value high so it does not interfere with new icons added later.

The 1 at the end specifies if the link opens in a new window. 1=true 0=false

"SELECT $[service.GameId] = 9" only displays the icon if the game id is 9. Change it with the game id where you want to show it.

http://$[service.IpAddress]:$[service.CustomPort1] is the link. In this case it's the http://serverip:customport1


After executing the command delete all files in TCAdmin2\Cache so the icons get loaded into memory again.


To delete the icon find it in tc_page_icons and delete it.

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