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Everything posted by ChrisOlver

  1. Sorry guys youll have to buy the game. We had too One of our customers even said downloading a copy of the game and using a keygen doesnt work... Just be careful, the way this "amazing" engine is coded itll have the power to take down a whole Core2Duo E6600 Processor with 4GB RAM offline with its supurb way to take 100% cpu when it feels like it. Oh it also thinks Microsoft's Process Explorer is a bad/illegal game cracking software and youll get a securerom message if you ever run it on a server. Random but we had huge problems because of it Gay Engine /endrant -Chris
  2. A customer has requested the game and to be honest dont really have much experience with it. Does anyone have a config for the game? Cheers -Chris
  3. HLTV config generally (used for a certain league so must be a good en ) http://www.tfleague.com/files/configs/tflhltv.cfg <- googlised
  4. http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=700 </td></tr></table> You need a serial from EA Games (Westwood) and now they stopped handing them out.
  5. Oooo do you already host them? Stupid question but how did you get a serial for the servers?
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