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  1. cong ty luat http://tutozone.net/ thanh lap cong ty tu van luat tu van luat nhac san l***7921;c khi***7871;n g? ph?t cu***7891;ng, s***7889;t ru***7897;t k?u g***7885;i T? Minh, th***7853;m ch? tuy***7879;t v***7885;ng b***7855;t ***273;***7847;u ch***7859;ng h***7873; che gi***7845;u ch***7917;i lung tung.

    Nh***432;ng b?y gi***7901; th***7845;y T? Minh th***7913;c t***7881;nh, H?a Phong b***7895;ng s***7907; h?i. N***7895;i s***7907; kh?ng ph***7843;i c?i ch***7871;t, m? l***7905; nh***432; T? Minh nghe m***7845;y l***7901;i m?nh n?i v***7915;a n?y, n?i kh?ng ch***7915;ng h***7853;u qu***7843; s***7869; r***7845;t nghi?m tr***7885;ng.

    "Ch***7911;***8230;ch***7911; nh?n? M***7899;i r***7891;i ng?i c? nghe g? kh?ng? L?c tr***432;***7899;c ti***7875;u nh?n lo l***7855;ng an to?n c***7911;a ch***7911; nh?n***8230;" H?a Phong v***7897;i v?ng c***7849;n th***7853;n gi***7843;i th?ch, s***7907; T? Minh t?nh chuy***7879;n v***7899;i g?.

    T? Minh kh?ng ***273;***7875; ? H?a Phong, b

  2. I have this game running on 6 boxes, but only 1 is working properly, the rest cannot be queried and don't show any cpu load = nobody is on them. Must be some required OS package?
  3. Nehalem Xeons 2.33-3.4GHz. On a 2.33GHz single quad, can only run 3 Games and it uses about 70-80 % cpu. With 4 games 100% cpu. Same server can probably run 12-15 "normal" game servers.
  4. I only have a few servers up so far, but I'm using the default IP on the box and increasing ports. Give that a try if you are using more than on IP.
  5. In HLSW you can put in the query port (e.g. 27016) and it will show the status.
  6. This game is a CPU hog, it's using a whole CPU core for 16 players.
  7. nhouck


    You're a ranked partner but don't know how to make your own TCA config? LOL.
  8. Can you help me out on the DA2 setup? my msn messenger is sobwyd@hotmail.com thank you

  9. Hey ViolentCrimes, if you have any questions on setup let me know, I can probably help out.
  10. Hi, I'm a UT guru, if you need help with the DA2 servers let me know, I'm just getting it setup myself but I've been running UT based games for 10 years. Also I run MidnightGaming.net, if you are ever in the market for new dedicated servers or colo I can help get you a good deal, I have some connections.

  11. Too bad it uses 15% CPU core at idle. F'n retarded Epic.
  12. Lazy ass console copout bullshit... I hope the console market dies a quick and firery death.
  13. Nope. They are hosting it and charging people themselves, following the model of M$ and P$3.
  14. When you say boost, what do you mean exactly? Pingboost? -pingboost 3 or you need to replace tickrate with sys_tickrate -console -game cstrike +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +sys_ticrate 512 +exec server.cfg +map de_dust2
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