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  1. cong ty luat http://tutozone.net/ thanh lap cong ty tu van luat tu van luat nhac san H?m S***417;n Th?nh ***273;***7841;t ***273;***7871;n ***273;***7881;nh ***273;i***7875;m. Bao g***7891;m t***7897;c nh?n ba b***7897; l***7841;c b?y gi***7901; ***273;***7873;u ***7903; tr?n ng***7885;n n?i c***7911;a m?nh kh***7849;n tr***432;***417;ng nh?n. B***7841;n ***273;ang ***273;***7885;c truy***7879;n ***273;***432;***7907;c l***7845;y t***7841;i T.r.u.y.e.n.y.y ch***7845;m c***417;m.

    Ki***7871;m nh***7887; xanh khi T? Minh c***7845;t b***432;***7899;c th? bi***7871;n m***7845;t. T? Minh ***273;***7913;ng tr?n ***273;o***7841;n x?ch th***7913; b***7843;y, ***273;?n gi? n?i, th***7903; ra m***7897;t h***417;i d?i.

    "H?m S***417;n X?ch, ch?ng ta ti***7871;p t***7909;c***8230;" T? Minh th? th?o, m***7841;nh n?ng l?n ch?n ph***7843;i ***273;***7841;p m***7897;t b***432;***7899;c, theo h***7855;n ti***7871;n l?n, c***7897;t ***273;? th***7913; s?u sau l***432;ng h***7855;n v***7905; tan h?a th?nh ***273;? v***7909;n r***417;i l***7843; t***7843;.

    D? l? l?c n?y th? T? Minh v***7851;n k

  2. Cheap Offshore Hosting of NextGenHost uses the latest technology on all there servers with intel xeon processors, RAID 5 SAS Hard Disks and ECC-certified DDR3 RAM you can guarantee a smooth experience with any of NextGenHost services.

  3. vetwebhosting, could you please post a copy of the config?
  4. does the update fix the problem with connecting to live? Right now my test install won't even connect to live properly. No I don't have a cfg yet, I'm just testing to figure out how to make the directory and all files etc...
  5. Apparently we are trying all this for naught, the game servers running on server 2003 are working properly, only those servers on vista are runnning properly.
  6. Ya they are free, I gues just make a couple of live accounts to have on hand for when a client wants a server...
  7. Guess what? You need a xbox live account for each server instance you create, that is crap. I found a great link to show how to setup the servers, we are going to have to work together on this for TCAdmin to monitor it ect... You do need the two programs, it seems like one sets up the server, and the other does the administrative stuff for the server. http://forums.haloonwindowsvista.com/forums/thread/1267.aspx
  8. I'm still in the process of getting the game installed properly, problem is there are two files that run the server. One that actually runs it, and another that accepts admin commands. I'm not sure if the latter is needed and if it is how to integrate with TCAdmin. Ill definitely have it setup by tomorrow and have it shared on here as soon as I get a working version. As I understand it, one license should cover all your servers, I hope. Just remeber that in addition to having the server installed if people on windows live want to play on it you also have to have your machine connected to gamesforwindows.com (microsofts pc version of xbox live). You also have to have a gold or silver live account (BS in my opinion, MS makes so much money already and all we do is create more demand for their game by renting out servers to people, not actually playing on live or their game). Its all confusing and not alot of support out there so if anyone else knows anything please correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. I'm working on a cfg for it right now. Under game compatablility, does it need to be filled in ?
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