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Everything posted by AvailNetworks

  1. must not be, i searched for cod and for call of duty....maybe I am a tool! feel free to delete these posts of you would like
  2. if anyone has it please thanks, Reed
  3. odd, I did a search and came up with nothing, but thanks anywho
  4. if anyone has a halo config file that would be be super thanks, Reed
  5. ahhhh that makes sense. that is what I figured I would do but I didnt know if there was a way to do something through the control panel.....another silly ? I have is how do I setup rcon or is it already setup through the control panel? thanks again, Reed forgive the noobish questions but I have about 8 minutes experience with counter strik anything
  6. is there anything on administering HLTV. I setup a cs server but now I have no idea on how to do hltv...anyone have a good spot for me to look or a config file or somethin? thanks, Reed
  7. curious as to if anyone got the config for this done yet, if so i would love a copy thanks, Reed
  8. do you have the actual config file from the game or just this ini file? thanks, Reed
  9. oh very nice, that is sort of the thing I was lookin for too, thanks for the insight again
  10. oh alright, I am trying to learn counter strike stuff but I am very unfamiliar with it. thanks for the tip!
  11. I would like the config files for condition zero if anyone has them handy please
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