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Everything posted by kaosx

  1. Hey guys i was wondering with V2 still being in beta if you reccomend it being used in production or just testing? Thanks
  2. Thanks Steve, Also thanks Luis for helping me in the tickets Cheers
  3. I used to run everything on the same box DB/TCAdmin Website/Master monitor + game servers, This is why i'am looking for this route to take less stress of my main game server box I think iam correct when i think i can run my Master monitor/ Database / Tc site of my VPS with Cpanel My Dedicated Server would be server 2008 R2 STD
  4. ARRRRr long night sorry never read the op right, I had similar issue tho and it turned out to be mani-admin this is with V1 lockup after someone joined the server
  5. Well i guess i just answered my own question i think Was just browsing the the v2 demo and spotted Linux as mater windows as remote Now iam guessing if i want i can kinda waste my master server licesnce and run everything on my vps meaning "website/database/master monitor" Then get a remote server license to use on my windows game box That way the DB/Website/Master monitor are still on the same box
  6. Have just sent in a ticket but the guys are probablly swamped with them so i thought id post it here also What do all you guys think of the below? Hi there i was wondering if this would be possible? Can i have TCADMIN V2 WEBSITE/DB run on a linux VPS/Cloud Hosting account, Then a windows dedicated server with game server files and the master monitor on it ? Thanks
  7. Just cleared things up with luis thanks
  8. Think i might just use V1 now till v2 comes outta beta
  9. So true ECF I Would like to give linux ago for data base reasons as its east to backup What do you guys reccomend for backing up DB'S in windows ? cheers
  10. So a VPS would be the best way to do it this way then correct, Would you explain what i need to install on the VPS and what i need to install od my dedicated server?
  11. Ok so if i use linux can i do this I have a CPanel Hosting Account I want to run Master monitor/ Website / database of my hosting account can this be done?
  12. How good is the beta to use in production? Iam currently waiting to get a server in the next few days, Just wondering if i should stik with server 2008 but i do find myself that steam servers run better on linux Are game servers running more stable on V2 then V1? Thanks
  13. Hey guys just wondering what linux os is best to use with V2 Thanks
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