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Everything posted by kaosx

  1. It has been yrs since i ran tcadmin and forget what i need for the following My main website site cpnel vps, Runs tcadmin panel only + my website and dtabases etc Then on dedicated server do i need a remote lisence ? Thanks
  2. Windows only however you can use the cmd line and just copy paste
  3. hey guys i have just put together a css-beta tcadmin steampipe config So here you go. Enjoy css-beta - Windows.xml
  4. thats what i done before you posted and it worked but it actually downloaded cs1.6 not czero for czero u need to add this some how Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Dedicated Server 90 +app_set_config 90 mod czero https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD
  5. Hi Extent The Tf2 config that comes with tcadmin should work for the beta just change the command line option from -game tf to -game tf_beta Iam using windows and if you are download this attachement and extract it to the tcadmin games directory and run it download_tf2beta.zip
  6. No problem ECF I had added a couple notes aswell to them but forgot to show them so here ther are. When you hover over with mouse you get a POPUP and you can click on the links in the POPUPS
  7. Ok so i have spent awhile getting this just right for myself. There is no need anymore for map groups its is now controlled thru WORKSHOP, So i have taken the time to adjust the config, Where you see in the screen shot, AUTHKEY Change ME , Thats not needed until you go into command line changer and select CUSTOM COMMAND LINE Now i know the Classic Competitive Command line had just de_dust2 but it still plays in COMP settings, I have done it this way so servers will still start up and customers cann add there own workshop collections, Now here are a few pics and link to Download the new config VGA-CS_GO - Windows.xml
  8. Hey Guys these settings and config are now out dated and do not work I will create a V2 thread with my config attached Thanks
  9. kaosx

    ExoGames Panel

    Email sent meejay Thanks
  10. I was shocked at the difference between the 2 of them Here is Windows Server X1 CSGO Server running SM+MM that was using 263.00megs ram This is linux Server VPS mind you just testing tcadmin on linux to get the hang of it Total Useage with X1 CSGO server running
  11. kaosx

    ExoGames Panel

    MeeJay i was actually wanting your designer to design 1 for me i did not want a copy or your theme you guys do a nice job at doing tcadmin themes
  12. hey meejay would you beable to get me in contact with yur designer for your tcadmin v2 theme

  13. You want to find SERVER Then name of server and click the server ip's icon then IMPORT
  14. I have heard from a few people today who use linux normally just disable the firewall and it really doesnt do anything anyway, Same with windows But it would be nice to have it auto add to the iptables, like it does for windows I just like the thought of having an active FW, That the only reason iam using windows I dont have to manually add ports to let the server be seen in the servers list But again few people i know that run game servers dont even have there FW active
  15. What Os are you using? The following should work Keep in mind that /sbin/service iptables save is for cent os Since you are using CSF you might want to have it this way /etc/csf/csf.conf Iam not 100% but maybe ask luis if that would be correct id love to go back to linux aswell but only thing stopping me is the firewall rules
  16. I have just noticed the the Classic Casual command line still works with map groups Just did a server with this and it still works Classic Casual srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 -maxplayers_override 12 +exec classic_casual.cfg +mapgroup mg_csgo +map de_dust2 -ip -port 27030
  17. Have it set in the config now and starts it on the map collection on start up In Parameter Template = +workshop_start_map 125488374 ![workshop_start_map]
  18. I have managed to get mine working and also have it set in the config now to with the varibles
  19. Did you create a new config for this ? if so would you mind sharing the config Thanks Got it Going but i cant seem to get the varible right in the config it never starts up
  20. id like to know to how to get this to work with tcadmin tried but failed
  21. Wow i have 7 servers running with the way i posted thats why i did i have no problems at all If you wish add me on steam, and i can have a look for you http://steamcommunity.com/id/joseph_w
  22. its a map group problem mate, try this also make sutre your game modes is caps like this GameModes_Server.txt "GameModes_Server.txt" { "gameTypes" { "classic" { "gameModes" { "competitive" { "maxplayers" "10" // Note that maxplayers doesn't go in the convar block. // Another way to set maxplayers is to add -maxplayers_override XX to the cmd line. "exec" { "exec" "gamemode_competitive.cfg" } "mapgroupsMP" // List of mapgroups valid for this game mode ( competitive ) { "mg_bomb_se" "" "mg_bomb_cu" "" } } } } } "mapgroups" { "mg_bomb_se" // mapgroup definition { "name" "mg_bomb_se" "maps" { "de_dust_se" "" "de_dust2_se" "" "de_nuke_se" "" "de_train_se" "" "de_inferno_se" "" "de_aztec_se" "" } } "mg_bomb_cu" // mapgroup definition - custom maps { "name" "mg_bomb_cu" "maps" { "de_nuke_ve" "" } } } }
  23. have a look here mates its been changed again with configs http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9752
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