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Everything posted by studeggle

  1. Are you looking for the old EA one, or Global Operations: Source?
  2. TcAdmin is not about being a preloaded panel full of games, look at other panels for that yuck, but TcAdmin does fully support this game, and my company does have a working configuration for this game running in our panel, for the odd ball request. Most big companies don't support it as it’s and older style game. And your fly by night mini companies are looking for everything to be done for them and that isn't what ECF and Luis have intended with TcAdmin. Thank goodness cause the strong tool is much better then an attempt at an all in one panel. If a specific company is looking for help getting this running, I'd be glad to assist. But as a competitor I won't hand it to them on a silver platter. They at least need to do a little research and understand something about the game they are hosting.
  3. http://digitalpaint.planetquake.gamespy.com/docs/server_guide_win32.html The game supports command line starting so it is fully supported by tcadmin.
  4. I'm not a ranked provider so I can't say for absolute certainty, but I am fairly certain that there is very little too no difference as far as TCAdmin is concerned.
  5. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=1618&highlight=BF2142
  6. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=1331&highlight=counterstrike
  7. TCAdmin doesn't work that way. You have to be able to get the program to work on its own before TCAdmin configurations are likly to be much good. Especially with a game that has as many configuration files as this one does.
  8. Well I hadn't seen it befor you brought it up but didn't have any trouble starting it by desktop after loading the files and editing the settings so it wouldn't argue with anything else I had running. The settings are rather all encompassing though, so I if it won't run on defualt settings your just going to have to come through them and the logs to find where the problem is and fix it.
  9. You'll need to be a little more patient. Especially if it is an older game. I will see if I can track down the install files and make a config if no one else has it, but my plate if full with holiday requests at the moment and paying customers come first
  10. A SourceTV relay? Or simply what setting you turn on to enable SourceTV? Source TV is different the HLTV it is built into every game and you simply turn it on or off in the games config. Basically they just took spectate a bit farther The SourceTV file is for setting up a relay.
  11. You would need to review the stats block install file. There are several different ones. Some have you configure stuff by hand in a config file then just upload it to the site, others need terminial, shell, or some other system type access cuase you have to run the nonweb install on the server (there are ways around that but its to tricky for a nonprogramer) for them to work right. Also be sure it is a DOD:S compatible stats system. Several of them are not and I have had customers want me to install these for them and I have had to explain that it wasn't DOD:S compatible and they needed to look at others or pay me for programing time as that wasn't included in customer service. If you provide more specific information I can help you further, but with that general information this is the best I can do.
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