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Everything posted by studeggle

  1. Since its a no no to host private Ragnarok servers I don't see anyone posting a config and thereby opening themselves to a lawsuit. Also probably not the best idea to ask for it on public forums.
  2. It hasn't been released yet lol
  3. Remote Desktop, from your start menu go to programs then accessories then communications. I strongly suggest you do some real major studing on OS as desktop is absolute childs play compared to the level you'll need to run a gsp or better yet hire a system admin. Tcadmin is not a gsp in a box, and nor will it handle all your server security and system optimization
  4. You should talk to the mod markers, this forum is for tcadmin
  5. It uses the regular valve files! it is not an all inclusive game, download dod, then apply this over it, to change it into dod3.1
  6. Just copy your dod config (button near the bottom) and change the directory to dod31 (or whatever suits your taste) and the command line option "-game dod" to "-game dod_31"That is the only difference. I'd share mine but spent to much time tweaking things to want to just go handing it out.
  7. Use custom port settings, or better yet secondary application settings.
  8. Try search its a wonderfull function
  9. I can do what you are looking for. But I need further details.

    How many map packs and mods are you looking to have setup (1 for example, or everyone that exists for every game you wish to host, or some other amount)?

    How many games do you wish TcAdmin setup for and what are they?

    Do you have FULL access to the machine(s) in question?

    What are we talking in time and pay?

  10. DODS does run out of DOD folder, DODSBeta which is what was asked for runs out of DODSBETA. DODSBETA is no longer available, so unless you have the old beta files saved thus config is useless without editing as it is for running dodsbeta. The game needs to be changed to dod, and the directory structure changed to utilize the dod folder not dodsbeta. In txt format a find and replace with these two terms could most likely fix the config. Once uploaded you would need to look at all settings for dodsbeta and change it whe ever you can find it.
  11. Add to that looking at the errors, it looks like you don't even have a game config file in the directory. Tcadmin config is not a game config, it is for allowing tcadmin to work with the game. You need to know how to run a game, before working on running it with TcAdmin.
  12. Please note GMOD is no long GMOD 10 it is GMOD 2007 and the file structure has changed, so you will hve to update the config. There is also a known problem with the query at the moment.
  13. Sounds like your database is corrupted. What type are you useing? Perhaps if you put in a ticket they might be able to help you fix the database.
  14. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=2830
  15. This has allready been posted. try a shearch
  16. When you load it, go to supported games, click on it, then change the compatibility. I'm not sure on the number equivalent for Halflife2.
  17. It also seems to be pulling more resources then other Source games. These are the reasons I'm not a big fan of preselling. Add to that how am I supposed to propely support client questions about the game when I just installed it for the first time myself.
  18. Warning: Switch game compatibility in my config from “Source” too “HalfLife2” for some reason “Source” results in some false negative checks on whether the server is running. Also this game currently realy seems to likes to use CPU 0 , you will need to make use of TcAdmins affinity setting to get it to balance better on multy CPU or multy core machines. I only have one machine where it is balancing on its own. (Hopefully valve fixes this soon)
  19. Here is a working configuration file for Team Fortress 2 for TcAdmin. It has been tested several time, on several different servers. Please note the default server.cfg is still mostly blank as I'm not sure which source commands are good for TF2 and which aren't. I also only did, 2 RCON, and 2 command line changers. HL2_-_Team_Fortress_2.txt
  20. TcAdmin starts and stops services, it doesn't configure them for you. Grab a source tv config and a config for the game your connecting too. Setup the game and get its IP and port Setup a source tv service. Edit the cfg to point to the IP and port of the game Away you go. If you don't know how to configure source tv then go read up there are tons and tons of tutorials. http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_TV
  21. As there have been several requests for working Garry's Mod 10 (GMOD 10) configuration I am going ahead and posting a working one. There is nothing fancy about this configuration it simply runs the game. If you want tweaking information it can be found on the official Garry's Mod website. http://www.garrysmod.com/ HL2_-_Garry's_Mod_10.txt
  22. Yes it should be possible a long as ALL ports are different.
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