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Everything posted by DCAD

  1. Ok it's up and running - Changed the xml file, delete the old tf2 game - re-download and did a reinstall on the Demo server. Worked - Now to start the clients - it seems the big thing is the elimination of the orangebox folder has everything squirrelly. s/ DCAD
  2. DamienWebb - I am letting it re-download as I type - I changed the reletive executable to scrds.exe / scrds_run and am now re-downloading this in the master before i head out to the remotes. When you say "root" directory for updates, you mean the Games directory in the /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/ correct? Also do I need to to change anything with the Steam update? - I have it set for User Anonymous and PW is random numbers. Thks, s/ DCAD
  3. TF2 - I cannot get this game to update for our servers and the customers. It connects into steam, everything looks fine then no files downloaded is listed on screen. In console we get this: Received 1683582 bytes item schema version 0B96F651 direct data; update is queued. MasterRequestRestart Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update. Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update. I have restarted this thing till the cows come came home and nothing. I double checked our game configs etc, nada. The only thing I haven't done is do a complete uninstall and reinstall. Which makes me wonder about the rest of the Steam games we have in our inventory... This is on a TCadmin Monitor Version: Web Version: Running on Linux Centos 6x servers with the same type OSon the servers running our remotes. For my sanity and our customers, any help would be appreciated. Thanks s/ DCAD
  4. I had to install it via the EA Downloader /Install - don't think the 6GB of download would work since they probiley have my account info imbedded somewhere in it...knowing EA..
  5. ECF - Thanks for the config files - I seem to have it working - I ended up bringing it into the server from EA Downloader - it only took 20 mins since i was able to pull 7.5MBPS - which is the fastest I have ever seen from a EA server to server download. I have it running now if anybody wants to take it for a test spin - I havn't even got the game for my own rig...so here is the IP and let me know how it runs. Planet Game Servers Crysis Server s/ DCAD
  6. Well I finally got it running and showing on two different servers ...my mind is so warpped I got to think what I did to fix it. 1. I updated DX with the dxweb tool I found in this article. http://www.fpsadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13490&highlight=command+line 2. I updated PB with the PBServer tool. 3. I reloaded the config through the import function. That was where my mistake was - I was manually installing the config into the gameinstall\cod4 directory instead of using game import. I had the game on line by a shortcut, but in game I couldn't see the name for the server - I just saw COD 4 Host and the IP of one of our servers when I checked it out. I then realized it wasn't picking up my config. Just then I got the game server creation report in the email and it said "No default config" DING! That was it. So I imported the config I had on my desktop and everything worked. I can see the servers via Game Monitor - In gameBrowser and HLSW. What is the morale - "Murphy's Law says that the more you rush a project for a customer, the longer it will take to complete it." Cheers!
  7. Thanks i got the dll error fixed. I created a server manually. Even though it shows under the auto creation section it wouldn't create one. When i created it manually and executed it - i got a warning of the filecheck.cfg was not in the correct directory??? My directrory is C:\gameinstalls\cod4 However when I run it from a short cut on the desktop it works beautifully. Im stuck....:-(
  8. I found the dll I needed - still have a dx error that shuts it down so I am still researching - any clues, helps, bones throw this way I would love to get this going since i got people chomping at the bit.. Thanks!
  9. Ok this might be stupid - but I am getting a dx3dx9_34.dll missing. I remeber going through this with ARMA and i installed DX9C on the server - now like most 1U's there is nothing but whatever generic vid that is either on the board or a small card. Also I have as the executable IW3MP.exe this is the correct file isn't it. Thanks s/ DCAD
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