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Everything posted by GiJoe

  1. Windows http://www.3drealms.com/prey/download.html You still need files from the retail CD for this to work. Send me an email and I can get them to you. Just over 900Megs. gijoe@wolfgaming.net
  2. Anyone have a config to share? I searched and didn't find one... Thank you in advance! Rob
  3. Anyone have a little more updated one?
  4. Ya found that out the hardway after buying the game... When are these guys going to learn to create game servers in console mode? Sheesh.... Bet ya GRAW is going to be the same way...
  5. Game is out... Anyone get it runnin?
  6. Looks like it has been pushed back till the 14th...
  7. Is due this week so I thought I'd get a head start!
  8. What do we put in the BF2CC folder exactly? Just the bf2cc.exe file? Or also the scripts? Thanks man!
  9. GiJoe


    Nope... Haven't found anything except for what's on the DVD. Looks like another Quake deal... This time 3.5Gigs instead of 2.5... Definately looking for a config for this myself.
  10. What are the minimum files needed to run a server? This thing is 2.5Gigs compressed. Is it all really needed? Thanks
  11. I see the scrd.exe pop up in TaskMan but then it disappears... Then comes back... etc.... Any idea's?
  12. I got them to download... hldsupdatetool -command update -game "dods"
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