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Everything posted by xpservers

  1. Anyone have experienced the following issue ? Game server IP shows as xxx in the game server browser, when user tries to launch it will give server unreachable error. If the use connects directly via IP it works. Same issue as here: http://community.kaosstudios.com/showthread.php?t=8334&highlight=showing+in+browser this is my start line: C:\UserFiles\chris\GameServers\TC35474000873010220854031\Binaries\FFOW-Dedicated-Logging.exe server FL-Roundabout -online -unattended -seekfreeloading -ServerPerfStats matchmakingport=9211 CustomPublicIP= MultiHome=
  2. Is there any know query protocol out yet ? I tried all the GS and its a no go.
  3. Im guessing it will interup the website if you install on the master server only. The remote server though also uses .net 1.1 which is my concern. If you install .net 2.0 wont it overwrite 1.1
  4. if this uses .net 2.0 will it not conflict with tcadmin's ability to only use .net 1.1 ?
  5. Instead of reinstalling the complete server just replace the iw3mp.exe file for every server with a legit one. Write protecting .exe is crutial. If someone really wants to they can recode a .exe, upload it to your server, restart their server and can cause some serious damage (virusis, trojan's, etc...)
  6. to crack a server your customer must of replaced or modified the iw3mp.exe file. Do you not write protect your files ? Default TCA settings for FTP and file manager restrict .exe modification. I highly recommend these settings.
  7. yes you need it for the Unreal 3 Engine
  8. yes but the software still works, their website is for auction if you try visit.
  9. http://files.filefront.com/swbf2sm110zip/;9281979;/fileinfo.html I just created a blank config with a startup line to launch the black ops server manager (swbf2sm.exe). You dont even need to, only reason we did is to automate the process as we need to have a game server id for clientexec to work. Just tried this manager and its pretty stable.
  10. is there any known fix yet on the query protocol for this game giddy
  11. works great now thanks. now only if I can get the custom cmd line to actually input the values into the command line instead of using the overide command line option to run mutators. not sure if anyone got this to work yet but I used the same settings as UT Goty Command: ?mutator Equal sign: = Deny Characters: Description: Startup Mutators Order: 3 checked: user access user can set value
  12. our version is Version 1.0.2874.31267 Can you pls confirm the query does not work on our version so I can have some rest. Giddy
  13. hmmm well that explains it, thanks
  14. what about for game compatibility ? I tried ut2004 and gamespy4. still cannot query.
  15. Yes I see that, weird,, our command line is identical, we have query set to 6500 but still not quering. server DM-Arsenal?game=UTGame.UTDeathmatch?GameMode=0?bShoul dAdvertise=True?bIsDedicated=True?MaxPlayers=10?NumPublicConnections=10?NumOpenPublicConnections=10? -multihome= -port 7777 -log=XPGamelog.log -queryport=6500 -nohomedir -unattended mutator=CustomUTv1a.UTMutator_CustomUTv1a
  16. lol ohhhhh, 2 funny. when someone gets the game query to work share the wealth giddy up
  17. Tried setting QueryPort=6500 in the .ini and via startup command line. Still not querying, setting gamecompatability blank is the only sad way to do this. HLSW does not query also. Checking the logs it uses random ports for query 6500 and above. Server is running stable tho on idle which is what they promised in patch 1. Other than the issue when adding mutators pops your cup to 5% on idle gameplay is pretty smooth.
  18. 2 issues, Query port tried at 6500 however TCADMIn still unable to query. I will try set it in the config as posted above. For patch 1 Anyone know how to extract it into an empty folder to so we can mass distribute to every server runnin ut3. Currenty the only way to install it is to direct to to the install game folder for every server thanks
  19. Is this the most stable TCA Config out right now ?
  20. seems to work thx again. Is there any server monitoring program that can query live status of MOH Airborne. Even Game-Monitor.com doesent query it. Guess like what you said, the query port changes ramdomly so there is no way of doing this.
  21. looks to be running stable now. Another minor issue with PB. when clicking update punkbuster via console we get this error: Starting the Punkbuster Update... ****Don't close this window. If you close this window the update will still be executed on the server**** Downloading the newest version of Punkbuster... ERROR: Error downloading file. An exception occurred during a WebClient request. An error occurred while updating Punkbuser. Please close this window and try again.
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