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Everything posted by Mazza101

  1. Just a simple suggestion, commandlines are generally quite long and editing it in a text box can be quite hard as you can't see parts of it that you have already completed. My suggestion would be to make it a textarea so you can see the entire commandline.
  2. I've just added a remote server, which installed and is running OK. When I try to create a new game on this machine, once I select the machines name I get the following error. "HTTP status 401: User name or password is not valid.." I don't see how this can be, both machines have the same adminstrator password and same TCAdmin password. I've not been asked to enter password when adding the server either. Thanks in advance for any help! Both machines running Win Server 2008R2.
  3. Just while I am figuring out my setup, do the slave servers need access to the MySQL database used in the Master install? Thanks!
  4. Good find Skull! I'm gonna try V2 of tcadmin for now.
  5. That worked better, thank you!
  6. I'm trying to install the trial of V1 on my box here, I keep getting MySQL Handshake errors which are usually caused by a client trying to connect to a server which is newer/incompatible. Which version of MySQL should I be using? Has anyone else had this issue with the .net connector? Thanks in advance!
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