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  1. I have solved my issue, the servers had crashed and and were waiting for me to verify running in safe mode , In the tcadmin service settings for the cod WAW server select interact with desktop. then log into your dedi using rdc with console enabled and you should see the safe mode request from cod WAW. to log on to rdc with console in win XP, go to start click run and type mstsc.exe /console . if you are using vista type mstsc.exe /admin into the search box and click ENTER . or you can create a desktop shortcut with the /admin or /console command line. hope this helps ..
  2. I am having the same problem, everything was working fine until I had to do a restart for windows automatic update, now when the COD WAW services start they are using about 8.5mb RAM and i'm getting no responce when I try to connect through rcon . but the servers run fine if I start them through desktop shortcut using the same command line.
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