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Everything posted by sexytatortot2006

  1. im using the windows database, all i want is my default configuration files back, can someone give me thiers? please!! go into system settings > supported games, right there, i just want the ones TCadmin gives. thanks for your time and support!!
  2. Yes the files are in C:\GameInstalls as far as the Game Moniter goes, i logged in and clicked start in console mode and it said port in use, so im guessing it's working, and suggestions? also, when i go into Admin Home > Game Server Automation and click Game Type they are all there, even the ones i added myself for custom mods, but they doesn't help cause they need to be in Supported Games.
  3. hey guys, i need some help here. my server crashed the other night, i had a technicaian get it back online due to a game server error, and now when i go into Sytem > Supported games, my games are all gone. any way of getting them back??? PLEASE HELP, i dont want to re-install either, im not sure if that will even help but please do your best!! thanks!!
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