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Steven Crothers

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Everything posted by Steven Crothers

  1. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if development stopped entirely on this. But I'm assuming that TCA2 is pretty dead? Also that TCA1 isn't getting regular updates anymore?
  2. It doesn't store it in a usable database field though, I've already experimented with that. Also even though you use the config editor, when you re-use it a second time it does not populate the data from the config file already edited, and instead loads the "default" values. At least it does on ours, however I find that making a config editor is only good for some games. Call of Duty, SourceTV, Battlefield, and probably a few others. Source based games though never get used and we used to have one. It became to much upkeep to support every single mod configuration possible - and than people just complain when variable xyz is missing anyways.
  3. No, this would require TCAdmin storing the rcon password, which it does not. This request would be impossible to fill in the current state of TCAdmin.
  4. I vouch for Dimitri's configs, he's been one of the top contributers around here.
  5. I'm quite aware it was advertising. Thank you though for letting me know what is already known. If he is unable of running it even now, perhaps he should look at renting a server. I supplied him with 3 companies that I believe are a step above the rest - and myself. I don't quite understand what you mean by "sorry one more time if you get me personal" since the English is broken.
  6. There was nothing wrong with what he said, he was being blunt. Not an asshole as you think.
  7. Moneyshot, I've noticed that you have had quite a few problems running your servers. Perhaps renting a machine with TCAdmin pre-configured for your game community is in your best interests versus trying to do it alone? I can recommend quite a few hosts on here. http://www.colocrossing.com http://www.defconservers.com http://www.hypernia.com and of course myself http://www.xfactorservers.com Any of us can provide a fully functional game panel. However if your looking for BF2 I *HIGHLY* recommend using Hypernia if you want the ability to have ranked servers.
  8. http://largedownloads.ea.com/ http://www.americasarmy.com/ http://www.direct2drive.com/ http://store.steampowered.com/about/ Thats all you need.
  9. Its not a service issue.... Its what user is running Steam versus what user is running the service.
  10. The blue pill means you frequent Slashdot's idle. http://idle.slashdot.org/
  11. Dumdum, The Onion News network is a fictional news network, that develops fictitious stories for the amusement of others. There is no MW3, and as far as the general public knows there has been zero development of MW3. Take the red pill.
  12. I wonder if you realize what your watching.... I guess I'll wait a few posts to inform everyone the "trick" to that video.
  13. Necro-Rez With that out of the way, the reason I'm rezzing this topic is because of its usefulness. I already have plans for this script, and instead of reposting it I figured I would just bump it so some of the new guys to the forums can take a look at this.
  14. Mohawk Voice.txt A working Mohawk Server configuration, still tweaking a bit but some limitations of TCAdmin prevent the config generator so its pretty lackluster. Make sure to toss your key where it says "INSERTKEYHERE" or it will fail to start.
  15. The fact that a GSP doesn't know about this yet and is requesting more information tells me he is very out of touch with the gaming community... its a bit disturbing.
  16. Have you played the game yet? It is peer to peer based, using the Gamespy lobby system. All servers are listen servers. No dedicated servers will ever be available. I think its a shame, because the current state of the multi player is buggy and laggy at best, and unplayable at worst. There should have been a lobby type server released, but Gearbox decided that the "Gamespy Lobby" was far more effective for Borderlands (I would agree if it wasn't such a terrible implementation).
  17. Ah ok I see, its a quality control thing. That makes sense now. Sorry about the thread hijack.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I do realize I'm a little off-topic here. Is Project Reality a free mod? I always thought it was free to download/play and all this talk of "licensing" makes me wonder if there is a cost involved? Has it since moved to a "pay" modification? The site doesn't mention anything relative to licensing so I'm a little unclear.
  19. Put my high school skills to the test to read half of it after I gave up and translated it with google, thats not even the TOS for the program, it just talks about cookies and the sites tracking and what not.
  20. and I hope the Large Hadron Collider spits out the cure to world hunger. Neither is gonna happen.
  21. while(0){ usleep(1); } Gotta keep that loop running somehow right?
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