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Santino Cid

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  1. All Points Bulletin is a MMO. Being so, the servers are ran similar to WoW. In this case, Real Time Worlds, the game developer, runs the servers. As far as I know, EA has nothing to do with it, they are just the distributor.
  2. Server FPS are not shown in net_graph 3. Open your console, login to rcon, and issue the command "rcon stats". You will see the FPS of the server here.
  3. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=136279 "Is there anyway to control the server remotely? No" "Are there console commands from within the game? No" "Is there a 3rd Party Server Manager/Remote Manger? No. Both the developers who made managers for Battlefield and Battlefield Vietnam (Black Bag Ops) have expressed interest, but due to the lack of RCON controls within the game prevent any development at this point"
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